38 A4379

February Gardening Tips

There is still plenty of jobs you can do during these wintery months to prepare your garden for Spring! 

Our Head Gardener, Trevor, has taken the time to put some tips together for you: 

• If there is no snow and the soil isn’t water-logged, check your boarders and divide any perennials that have got too big by lifting out with a fork and divide up by using a spade.

• Give your lawn its first cut of the year, but don’t cut it to short you just want to cut off the long spiky grass.

• Rake up any leaves that you have neglected to collect, such as those that are hiding under hedges and around shrubs.

• The birds have been having a hard time, so please make sure you fill your bird feeders and try to remember to defrost and top up any bird baths.

• Scrub and hose down patios and paths to get rid of any slippery mud or moss.

• Keep your beds as weed free as possible. Any time spent digging up perennial weeds now is time saved later on in Spring.

• Keep off the lawn during heavy frosts and snow.

• If conditions are suitable re-cut border edges with a sharp edging iron to stop grass roots encroaching into your beds.

• Trim back ivy and virginia creeper from around windows and guttering.

• Prune late flowering shrubs like fuchsia and buddleia cutting buddleia down to keep them compact (about a meter high).

• When undertaking any pruning remember the 3 D’s Dead, Dying, and Diseased .. also any stems that are crossing these will rub together and disease may follow.. 

Happy Gardening, remember.. Spring is just around the corner!