Watford womens centre

Watford Women's Centre

Last year Design Arc supported Watford Women's Centre & took a donation of women's & kids clothes and also toiletries which were very much appreciated.

Women face massive challenges at the moment with the cost of living & trying to feed and clothe themselves and their children.

One particular problem that continues is Hygiene Poverty & women's ability to provide those essential items that most of us take for granted.

Design Arc will be supporting Watford Women's Centre again this year and are looking for donations!

Some items needed are: Shampoo, nappies, toothpaste (adults & children), toothbrushes (adults & children), shower gel, hair products, skin care products, deodorant, moisturisers, baby wipes or any baby products in general.

If you would like to donate, please leave donations at The Management Office.