Christmas Wreath Image

Shop Local This Christmas

Support your local florist! Watford’s own Love Flowers located on Tolpits lane are offering a discounted rate and free delivery on Christmas Trees if you pre order before 20th November

Their delivery dates for real Christmas trees are: Fri 27th Nov, Sat 28th Nov, Fri 4th Dec and Sat 5th Dec 

Don’t miss out on this fantastic offer and secure your tree this Christmas, head to their website here – 

‘Everything you need to fill your home with magic and sparkle.  Christmas is not cancelled!  Love is not cancelled!  You can order a specially selected and hand delivered top quality Christmas tree, stunning selection of beautiful table centres and wreaths or to get your creative juices flowing order a complete kit including video link for making your own beautiful wreath or table centre at home.  Watch this space for our Christmas bouquets and winter scented candles.  Send or enjoy some much needed Christmas spirit, positivity and magic and spread the festive love with Love Flowers!’